1) Download the fix from here http://www.atribune.org/downloads/VundoFix.exe
2) Double click the file which will create a folder on your desktop.
3) Reboot into Safe Mode.
4) Run the KillVundo.bat file from the folder.
5) It will prompt you for two items. The first time you enter the full path to the offending file, such as c:\windows\system32\srvdisk.dll. This file may be different.
6) The second time you enter in the path, with the filename reverse. In the above example, you would enter in this: c:\windows\system32\ksidvrs.* .
7) Reboot the computer and then run Cleanup from this location. http://www.stevengould.org/downloads/cleanup/CleanUp40.exe
The CleanUp options to select are:
Empty Recycle Bins
Delete Cookies
Delete Prefetch files
Cleanup! All Users
8) Run HijackThis and remove the Vundo related files you entered in 5) and 6) above.
Celebrate the Vundo removal!
It’s *ahem* Vundo-bar!